Ambien Addiction, Withdrawal and Detox

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It is normal to sometimes go through physical and medical issues that may lead to the disruption of sleeping patterns. Sleep in essential to the basic function of the human body, and everyone requires a different amount of it. One person operates well on six hours of sleep a night, and the next person cannot survive on that amount. Sleep deprivation not only ruins someone’s day but can actually lead to a variety of health issues if it is a chronic problem — including memory problems, mood swings, high blood pressure, weight gain, and a weakened immune system. It can start wreaking havoc within only a few weeks of suffering from it. Whether stress is the cause of your sleep issue or a sleep disorder has crept into your life, attempting to reestablish a sleep pattern that involves seven to nine hours of sleep is essential.

With millions of Americans visiting the doctor to address their sleep issues, there are over 38 million prescriptions written for insomnia drugs annually. Ambien is one of the most popular sleep medications and is accompanied by a risk of dependence, abuse, and addiction. Ambien was designed for use no longer than two weeks with the idea that it would help balance the body’s sleep pattern and reestablish a nightly routine; however, its addictive nature was not realized in the beginning of its use. Everyone has heard a story either from an acquaintance or a relative of how they fought with the overwhelmingly addictive side effects of Ambien but found a way out so that they could live a functional life with adequate rest after they went through Ambien withdrawal treatment.

What is Ambien and is it really that addictive?

Any drug that changes the chemical makeup of the brain and body puts people at risk of abusing it. If it is taken exactly as the doctor advises, addiction is less likely but is still a possibility. This little miracle of a sleeping pill was designed as a replacement for benzodiazepines after so many people became dependent on the sedative and needed withdrawal and rehab treatment; however, many patients showed signs of being addicted to even Ambien. Most people simply want to sleep better, but some even abuse Ambien simply to get high, replicating the feeling of a drunken stupor. A few facts on Ambien abuse:

How do I know if I need Ambien withdrawal treatment?

Once a responsible doctor stops an Ambien prescription, desperate individuals will take to the streets to find a new supplier. This is drug abuse. A physical dependence on Ambien is when the body needs it on a consistent basis to function properly and can form in only two weeks. The body has adjusted how it operates to accommodate the drug. Someone who tries to cut back and experiences withdrawal is addicted. While symptoms are different in everyone and can range from mild to severe, no one should do it alone. Symptoms can include:

What does Ambien treatment entail?

The intensity of the cravings to continue using Ambien once someone has lost access to it is one of the hardest things to overcome when they are trying to recover from an addiction. Effective drug treatment programs will utilize a combination of therapies in the following steps:

What happens in Ambien detox and withdrawal?

The body is going to resist when someone tries to completely rid their system of Ambien. It has adapted to its constant consumption, and the bounce back can be painful and dangerous. The fact that withdrawal involves the possibility of seizures makes suddenly stopping a bad idea if they have been using it for an extended period of time. A medically assisted detox can help someone gradually step down their usage without allowing them to increase the dosage, like they feel a strong urge to do.

The severity of withdrawal varies depending on usage frequency and duration, genetics, and many other factors. It can last anywhere from a few days to several weeks. A typical dose is five milligrams, but addicts may take 10, 20, and one person who was studied because she had severe withdrawal took 160mg each day. Ambien is meant to help people fall asleep, whereas Ambien CR is intended to keep them asleep. The latter takes longer to leave the system and may mean a longer withdrawal and detox process.

Many inpatient and outpatient drug detox programs handle Ambien withdrawal, but it is a more difficult process than many other drugs. A variety of approaches have been used by different doctors to ease the symptoms of Ambien withdrawal, such as:

You only wanted to sleep better and be able to enjoy the little things in life. Instead, you ended up in Ambien withdrawal treatment. Your story is not an uncommon one among the millions who have been prescribed sleeping pills for their sleep deprivation. Withdrawal from this substance may not be lethal but it will make the person attempting to break their addiction wish that they could either use again or die. Attempting it without the assistance of a professional Ambien withdrawal program is never advised. It can help someone meet their goal of becoming free of the addiction that has taken over their mental and physical state of being. Anyone can find their happiness in life again and learn healthier methods of fighting their insomnia.

Call (888) 644-6099 to get 24/7 help with treatment.