Luxury Alcohol Rehab Near Me

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Waking up one day realizing that the only thing on your mind is how soothing the traditional cup of coffee with vodka will be as it slides down your throat can be a humbling experience. There is, however, hope when you consider the help that you can find in a luxury alcohol rehab and treatment center. You attempt to hide the extra ingredient in your beverages when anyone is around. You gradually come to terms with the fact that you have a problem and that you should try to cut back. Vodka in coffee is frowned upon in the morning before work, but stopping in the evening may just sound like a ridiculous option.  Time and again you try to wean yourself off in the morning, but all the stress seems to be too overwhelming and that little vice can’t be all bad, can it? It can. Deciding to and get the necessary help will make your family happy, since you always seem to be angry. They have started to withdraw, and you just want them back. When calling different treatment centers, you feel like there is nothing that suits your lifestyle, until you run across a higher-end luxury alcohol rehab and treatment center and feel like you have just found the answer to a brighter future.

What are some of the amenities at a luxury alcohol rehab and treatment center?

These upscale facilities are used to catering to the rich and famous, whether they are a celebrity that is splashed all over the news or they are the CFO of a Fortune 500 company. They are discrete and offer posh accommodations that can make rehab feel like staying in an exclusive resort or hotel. What are some conveniences to which patients can look forward? Just to name a few:

What makes a luxury alcohol rehab treatment center effective?

 Alcohol doesn’t discriminate whose life it affects, and when the wealthy realize that alcoholic is ruining their life and life of anyone left around them, they may want to choose a rehab facility based solely on price. Business and life experiences throughout the years have taught them that the most expensive thing isn’t always the best. This also applies to luxury alcohol rehab and treatment centers. There are a few factors to deliberate when choosing which one can best fit the situation into which you have gotten yourself. While it’s nice to continue to have the amenities to which you have become accustomed personally and professionally, a location that offers gourmet meals and personal trainers must still provide the medical care and support that are necessary to ensure prolonged sobriety. The questions to ask include:

What are the warning signs of a facility that isn’t as effective?

Just like the rest of life, no program is a one size fits all; however, some facilities just aren’t effective for many people. Searching for a luxury alcohol rehab and treatment center should be a process that replicates other decisions in life, from listening to warning signs to creating a pros and cons list. The following reasons are a few pointers when looking for what to avoid when choosing:

What is a day in the life like at a luxury alcohol rehab and treatment?

What happens at each alcohol rehab center varies according to their specific program; however, they all look similar in their basics. They may offer a variation of the following:

  1. Antabuse (disulfiram) – it causes vomiting to deter drinking.
  2. Naltrexone (Revia, Vivitrol, and Depade) – monthly injection that blocks the high of many chemical substances.
  3. Campral (acamprosate) – helps to rid the discomfort of withdrawal symptoms when an addict is going through detox.

Outpatient will be different from inpatient therapy, and each program will differ according to the needs of the patient. The days are extremely structured with waking up and meals at the same exact time every day. Next comes maybe a relaxing yoga class followed by group counseling and lunch. Then perhaps individual counseling later in the day with medication management if necessary. There is also free time to pursue personal interests. Personal time is limited so as to prevent cravings and boredom from overtaking a user’s thoughts. Outpatient therapy resembles the inpatient schedule except the time frames are shorter to fit the mixture of therapeutic activities into the day.

Although many traditional alcohol rehab and treatment centers are government funded or only have adequate funds with which to operate, they are effective at what they do. Individuals who are accustomed to being able to afford and receive only the best may have a better and more effective experience in a luxury rehab facility. Each program should focus on reestablishing family and other social connections, but the upscale treatment center will help fill each patient’s time with activities that are more familiar to them. Being in a customary setting has been shown to dramatically improve someone’s maintenance of sobriety. Choosing a location in which to make one of the biggest changes of one’s life isn’t always an easy one, but it will be well worth it when they look back in 10 years and can say they beat their demons.

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