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Opiates are derived from the naturally-occurring chemical of the poppy plant. Sounds harmless, right? On the contrary, opiate addiction has led to overdose deaths of almost 47,000 people 2 years ago. Two out of three drug overdoses involve opioids; however, opiate addiction can be overcome with treatments designed to help a user return to a productive life. In the 1990s, drug companies assured medical professionals that opioids were not an addiction substance, so doctors began prescribing these painkillers, or narcotics, to treat mild to severe pain of every kind. This was the beginning of the opioid epidemic in America.

Opioids aren’t only effective in reducing pain, but they also deliver an overwhelming sense of calm. These appeals to many people who seek out the relief of stress in their hectic lives. Not only are painkillers in the form of pills sought after, but people started to realize they could find immediate and less expensive relief by injecting heroin. Whether someone became addicted to painkillers after being prescribed some after a surgery or a teen who was experimenting tried heroin, we all know someone whose life has been profoundly affected by the misuse of opioids. While some people believe that using medication to treat an opioid addiction is switching one drug for another, we will discuss is benefits and other methods of opioid addiction treatments that can help anyone face the life of which they had always hoped to live.

What are opiates?

Opiates and opioids may consist of minute differences, but they produce similar mental and physical reactions when they are abused. Emotional and physical pain is so uncomfortable that humans are constantly finding ways to avoid it or rid themselves of it. Pain is the body’s way of alerting someone that there is a problem but using painkillers can also calm the mind and alleviate negative thoughts from traumatic circumstances. The problem is that they are not meant to be for the latter and are highly addictive, so using them excessively leads someone to seek them out on the streets when they cannot obtain them from their doctor any longer. This is where they can be laced with other more deadly drugs or be unavailable and lead people to opt for the cheaper, less predictable version of street drugs.

Overdoses began to skyrocket in the 1990s when there was an increase in prescriptions of painkillers; however, another upward trend occurred in 2010 with heroin deaths. This gradually gave way to a considerable increase in overdoses in 2013 due to synthetic opioids, specifically illicitly-manufactured fentanyl. Fentanyl continues to be combined with heroin, counterfeit pills, and cocaine, making it one of the most lethal products for drug users. Opioids are quantified according to different categories: 

What does an overdose look like?

Half of opiate and opioid users were first introduced to it by a friend or relative. Behavior that leads to an overdose is so gradual that it’s hard to notice for those who are addicted. They use the painkiller when they want relief, mentally or physically, and to simply feel normal. This leads to a tolerance that causes them to gradually take more. Many individuals add in alcohol and other products, like benzos, that depress then nervous system. Those who have a polydrug abuse (two or more at once) are more likely to overdose. When someone exhibits the following symptoms, they are starting to overdose and need immediate medical attention:

Many of those who have survived an overdose say that this was the moment that made them take inventory of their lives and seek treatment for their opiate/opioid addiction. 

What treatments are used in opioid addiction treatment centers?

With the recognition of the signs of abuse, someone who wants to resolve their dependency may try to quit many times to no avail. The cravings of the physical dependency feel impossible to overcome, especially since it is considered a neurological disease. Those who continue to use painkillers and heroin despite the danger will find the most success if they seek treatment at a facility specifically designed to help put an end to opiate addictions. With drug overdoses being the leading cause of accidental death in America, finding help is essential. Inpatient facilities that address the specific withdrawal symptoms and patterns associated with opioid addiction will result in the best successes with the least number of relapses. They offer the highest level of care with medically-assisted detox and 24/7 support. The length of treatment depends on the following factors:

Every facility is different but offers similar programs that include a combination of the following. Using one of these alone will not be particularly effective.

Isn’t using medication to treat opioid addiction trading one drug for another?

The short answer is no. Those who are addicted to painkillers, opioids, heroin, oxy, percs, or whatever they prefer will be subjected to intense cravings and possibly life-threatening symptoms during withdrawal and recovery. To make it more bearable and increase the likelihood of it lasting, some medications have been clinically shown to have a high efficacy for treatment of opioid abuse disorders by reducing the intensity of the cravings and the harshness of withdrawal. They include buprenorphine, methadone, and naloxone. MAT (medication-assisted therapy) actually has been proven to decrease:

The use of these medications can also increase the number of people who stay in treatment. Some people wonder if using drugs to combat the effects of another drug are simply trading chemicals to which someone is addicted. This is untrue as the dosage used does not get them “high”. In reality, it reduces cravings and the harshness of withdrawal. They restore the brain’s balance from the changes made to it during the constant supply of the opiate. 

Addictions are generally formed after someone is prescribed a painkiller after a surgery, a sports injury, auto accident, or pain associated with cancers and other illnesses. While they are extremely effective at their job of blocking pain sensors in the central nervous system, they are also highly addictive. This is especially true when they are used to manage chronic pain over an extended time period. Opioids change the chemistry of the brain so that body and mind believes they must have it for survival. In excess of two million Americans misuse opioids, and approximately 90 overdose and die each day due to opioids. Recovery is not only about removing opioids from the physical system, it’s also about rewiring the brain. Many relapses are noted in opioid addictions, so finding the most effective therapy is critical to recovery. Those who have gradually become addicted to opiates may feel overwhelmed at the concept of living without them, but there is always hope. It’s never too late to call an opiate addiction treatment facility for help.

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