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What happens in substance abuse treatment?

Long-term drug and alcohol use can alter brain chemistry, making it extremely difficult to combat the urge to continue using. A series of steps in the substance abuse treatment process have been determined to improve the chances of success. Many recognize a problem and try to stop on their own; however, the majority of these cases don’t enjoy success. Leaving it to the professionals who face these challenges with their patients every day can increase the probability of maintaining the sobriety for which they worked so hard. Treatment steps are different for every program but ultimately include the following:

What kind of recovery therapy can be used in substance abuse treatments?

While it’s different for everyone depending on their specific situation, one or more of the following therapies have been found useful.

How comprehensive is substance abuse treatment?

Not only is a substance abuse treatment program aimed at helping those who are dedicated to recovery detox, but effective treatments incorporate a variety of services that help their patients recognize what happiness life can offer, such as:

Why should I consider a substance abuse treatment program?

No matter who has slid down the slippery slope of becoming addicted to a mind-altering substance, there is help. The goal of a substance abuse treatment plan is not only to help addicts safely rid their bodies of the chemical, but to give them support through every level of recovery. Three factors are noticed in those who do succeed:

Not only is drug or alcohol abuse damaging to the addict’s mental state, physical well-being, and relationships, but it has been attributed to the majority of crimes, from theft to domestic violence. Economically, drug and alcohol addiction has been estimated to cost the country more than $246 billion that involves everything from legal issues to the impact on the healthcare system. Starting with an inpatient facility is recommended to treat almost all addictions to provide users with the medical responsiveness and support necessary to maintain the motivation needed to overcome the withdrawal symptoms and intense urges to use again. Transitioning to an outpatient facility when they require less support can be done as they progress in their journey. Substance abuse treatment centers offer better odds of success and sustained sobriety for anyone knowing that they need to work on regaining control of their life.

List of All Substance Abuse Treatment Centers in the U.S:

Call (888) 644-6099 to get 24/7 help with treatment.