Tramadol Addiction and Detox

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Your day starts and ends in pain. You knew that having degenerative disc disease in your back was not the greatest diagnosis to receive, but it was not the worst either. You don’t have a terminal illness, but you didn’t realize that it would mean living in pain every second of every day. The doctors can tell by your x-rays that you truly need pain killers, so they send you to a pain clinic, where you receive injections. Since they are only effective for six months, you need something for the breakthrough pain. They have no problem prescribing tramadol for you and tell you to take it explicitly as prescribed. You do so and find that it becomes less effective as time goes on. You have apparently built up a tolerance and made your body become dependent on it. You even start to feel miserable beyond the back pain only a few hours after the dose wears off. By the indications of the withdrawal symptoms, you have become physically addicted and are going to need tramadol detox. Where do you start?

Why is tramadol so addictive?

Tramadol offers a wide variety of benefits when used for its intended pain controlling purposes. It copies the body’s mechanism for fighting pain by binding to the narcotic and opioid receptors in the brain. It works very closely in nature to morphine. It is generally prescribed for moderate to moderately severe pain with an extended release version to manage chronic pain. It is quite addictive and can lead to abuse and dependence even if taken as directed.

What does withdrawal from tramadol feel like?

You didn’t feel well when you started taking tramadol, but when you try to stop taking it, you feel exponentially worse. You take another dose because you are simply not willing to live in pain. This cycle continues until your next doctor’s appointment, but you are afraid that he’s going to take you off of it completely. That would be disastrous to your daily functioning. You cancel the appointment, but they tell you that you have to come in to get a renewal because of tramadol’s addictive nature. You get a little panicky, and that is when you realize that you could have a problem. You discern that it isn’t your body making you feel worse, it’s probably withdrawal despite having been on it only a few months.  So, what are the signs of withdrawal from tramadol?

These symptoms occur because the body has become physically addicted to the chemical composition of tramadol. Its functioning has altered to work around its existence. A tolerance has built up and the user must increase the frequency and dosage to feel the same benefits.

There are more severe symptoms that can occur in those who have been using for an extended duration. Professional medical assistance in the withdrawal and detox process can help ease symptoms, as well as keep the patient safe during the process. While the following are not life-threatening, they can lead someone making decisions that put themselves in harm’s way.

How can you safely detox from tramadol?

The sudden cessation of using tramadol is not advised by any medical professional. Tapering it down over a period of time helps minimize the discomfort of withdrawal. The problem is that it is difficult for any addict to taper. That is the exact opposite of what their brain and body are telling them to do. This is where tramadol addiction treatment comes into play. Withdrawal symptoms can start within hours of the last dose and linger for several weeks. Several factors contribute to the intensity of withdrawal and the length of time that it causes someone to suffer — including duration and frequency of use and genetics. On average, detox lasts for about two weeks.

Symptoms that last longer than two weeks are considered PAWS (post-acute withdrawal syndrome), which are similar symptoms that can last anywhere from 18 months to two years. The good news is that they decrease in severity with time. PAWS can include a combination of the following symptoms:

For those who are having an extremely difficult physical reaction while trying to eliminate the drug from their system, doctors may recommend prescription medications that can ease the discomfort and reduce cravings. This is called MAT (medication-assisted treatment), and the following drugs have been proven to be effective in a variety of situations:

What types of detox treatment exist?

Some people try to detox on their own because they do not want their friends, family, and places of work to know what they are going through. They also do not want to invest any money into something that they cannot believe they are victim to in the first place. Many addicts have gone so far down the path of addiction that they do not even have the finances to spend. There are a variety of tramadol detox treatment centers that not only take insurance, but also offer other options when the patient is dealing with limited financial choices.

At intake, the compassionate staff will assess a variety of factors that they will use to determine what plan offers the best opportunity at achieving and maintaining your sobriety. They will customize a plan according to your circumstances. There is no perfect way to detox as each person handles the process differently. Just being admitting is the perfect start.

While some tramadol detox is completed in a short-term inpatient program, most are performed in an outpatient setting. This allows the person to continue the routine of their life while remaining sober. Most detox facilities will either have rehabilitation incorporated into their program or can point you in the direction of finding the services that can prepare you for rehab. Services may include:

Addiction to tramadol can happen even when following directions. Whether someone starts abuse with more frequent use or they want to but cannot stop due to the withdrawal that sets in, taking advantage of the benefits of an inpatient drug addiction treatment program for tramadol is the best idea. Detox can be ruthless even if it does not typically turn into a life-threatening situation. Compassionate staff and doctors can help anyone taper down and bring them back to the life that they previously loved, teaching them how to cope with their pain and other issues. Information is motivation, and addicts can regain control without the use of addictive drugs.

Call (888) 644-6099 to get 24/7 help with treatment.