Rehab for Drug Addictions

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When someone hears the word rehab, their visceral reaction is to cringe, whether they are an addict themselves or the loved one of an addict. The media taught us that rehab should be feared or looked down upon; however, that is simply not true with the scientific advances in effective therapies that help drug abusers reach and maintain the sobriety for which they long. While rehab for drug addictions does require effort, it is available to anyone looking to take the reins of their life back from the drugs that are consuming it. Rehab is short for rehabilitation and is referred to in modern society as drug addiction treatment or a drug addiction program as well. Research has shown that the vast majority of individuals who are dependent on, abuse, or are addicted to any chemical substance repeatedly relapse and rarely succeed at maintaining sobriety without professional help.

What is rehab?

Rehab is defined as “a course of treatment for drug or alcohol dependence, typically at a residential facility”. It is derived from Latin words that mean to make something fit again. People who take advantage of the services that rehab has to offer want to fit back into their lives and society.

Rehab is the step that follows detox, the elimination of the drug from the body. Getting past detox and into rehab is an enormous achievement and is best done with medical assistance. A variety of rehab programs exist, and that is because drug addiction does not discriminate between class, gender, ethnicity, or career choice. Choosing the rehab center and program that most closely meets who you are as a person provides the best chance at recovery. This means that there are many facilities offering different therapies and amenities. Rehab is typically a long-term process that requires a great deal of support and monitoring.

What is involved in evidence-based drug addiction rehab?

Two major entities are involved in the research and science behind what practices are effective against the most severe cases of drug addiction, NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse) and SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration). Their goals are to reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness by applying the knowledge acquired on its causes and consequences. Evidence-based treatment is that which has been proven to be effective after extensive research.

When an addict or a loved one does research on the thousands of facilities in the United States, they can see that there is a generally process that has offered a high success rate. It involves:

What is helpful in addition to rehabs for drug addiction?

Many people who have sought out professional help have usually tried to quit using drugs on their own first. Many times, the addict has not admitted themselves to a rehab facility for their drug addiction but has been admitted after a legal issue or ended up in the emergency room because of drugs. Statistics point out that those who try to stop on their own do not have as high a success rate as their counterparts who have gone through a rehab program. People who would like complementary ways that may help them sustain their sobriety can include activities in their daily routines that include:

One thing has been proven throughout the years … that a combination of therapies is necessary for someone to achieve and maintain sobriety. It is difficult enough to admit that you are having a problem controlling your use of drugs, and it is another thing entirely to create the upheaval necessary in your life to get the rehab that will help treat your drug addiction. It involves a restructuring of your entire routine, from who you hang out with to what aisle you walk down at the store. Using a combination of any therapy chosen is the best answer when you have proposed the question of how to best regain the happiness that you once had before drugs took over your life.

Call (888) 644-6099 to get 24/7 help with treatment.