Marijuana Rehab Near Me

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The cannabis plant, or marijuana, has been used for thousands of years for its medicinal properties. The negative aspect of marijuana is the euphoric effect that some of the cannabinoids, like THC, of the plant can cause. They can adversely interfere with the responsibilities of life — including job attendance, relationship quality, and family. With modern times seeing a rise in marijuana use for medicinal purposes, many do not even consider the possibility of addiction. Addiction to marijuana, or marijuana use disorder, is rare, but it can happen. Most people who smoke or ingest marijuana typically use how much and when they want without losing control. They achieve the results that they intended.

A rise in the number of people becoming addicted could have something to do with the higher potency of the product that is available today. It has been found that weed confiscated in the 1990s contained about 3.7% THC, the component with the psychoactive properties, while today it contains an average of 9.6%. Products that are made from marijuana extract contain 50% to 80% THC and could be the reason for the increase in emergency room visits that stem from marijuana use.

What are the signs of being addicted to marijuana?

It is different abusing and being dependent upon marijuana. If there are negative consequences and you continue to use, by definition, you have marijuana use disorder. Negative consequences can include the lowering of school grades, losing a job, and getting arrested and facing legal issues; however, it does not necessarily mean that you are addicted. The following constitutes addictive behaviors:

Physical dependence is considered to be true when someone requires increasing amounts or has withdrawal symptoms when they stop using. Most marijuana users do not experience these signs. Those who do use the products of today with higher THC levels may have withdrawal, which looks like:

What are the dangers of using marijuana?

Study after study released in the past couple of decades address the positive attributes that the cannabinoids in marijuana can provide, from relief of inflammation and chronic pain to easing nausea from chemo and reducing anxiety. Few researchers are talking about the physical dangers of using marijuana but understanding these may help someone realize that they must rethink their choice to continue using it. Not everyone reacts to drugs in the same way, hence, the reason doctors monitor ailments as they prescribe medications to treat them. Research has shown that between nine and 30% of those who abuse marijuana develop an addiction. Harmful effects from marijuana use include:

What happens in marijuana rehab?

You have determined that you or someone you love is, indeed, addicted to marijuana, whether it is physical or psychological and that they need help. Clinical studies have shown that the incidence of teenagers in treatment for marijuana dependence and abuse have seen an increase of 142% from 1992 to 2020. Many who do end up seeking therapy is because of pressure from family, job, school, friends, and/or the legal system.

There are many varieties of marijuana treatment centers that offer different facets. Choosing the one that best fits your circumstance is essential to successfully achieving and maintaining sobriety. Three basic steps are followed in almost every marijuana treatment center due to decades of practice showing their efficacy:

Choosing between inpatient and outpatient drug rehab programs is dictated according to a variety of factors:

Those who feel that they will benefit more from an inpatient program will find intensive therapy with access to medical care whenever necessary, as well as 24/7 medical monitoring. This program will also remove the patient from the triggers that may cause them to use, eliminate access to marijuana, and offer a structured schedule with therapy and activities. Those who are struggling will also have instant support any time they need it. Conversely, an outpatient program allows someone the freedom and flexibility to resume their routine activities that they may need be able to get away from, such as a job or caretaking responsibilities.

How do I choose a marijuana rehab?

With all the options that exist, it is important to ask questions before being admitted so that there are no surprises.

When someone enrolls in a rehabilitation program, they are not only committing to stop using marijuana, but they are learning coping skills that will help them make radical changes to their behaviors and thought processes. They will need healthy habits to carry into their new world. So, what does a typical day look like?

Knowing that it is time to get help is different than committing to procuring the help. It may be difficult to face a world that does not involve marijuana for you, especially seeing it written all over the news on a regular basis; however, marijuana rehab facilities provide you with the insight and tools to move forward and achieve the life of which you were headed before your drug of choice became a problem. It is truly never too late to get back on track by seeking out the marijuana rehab facility that will best appeal to all that you need to recover.

Call (888) 644-6099 to get 24/7 help with treatment.